Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 3: Icy Tillman

So it finally snowed. I really hate snow. I feel like as a southerner I should love it, and I should freak out when it happens. I should go buy milk and bread, so I can eat milk sandwiches in my dorm room.
Did I mention that I hate snow? Everyone started freaking out and running around as soon as it started, and I just sat in bed, watching Netflix. I was really getting tired of hearing that it was snowing. I drove around and went downtown for dinner, and people were really freaking out that I left the dorm. It's just FROZEN WATER. If you're careful, you'll be fine.
Anyways, as I was out, I took this picture of Tillman Hall and thought that it represented Clemson very well.
Even though it's dark and icy, the building says life. The lighted clock, the spotlights on Thomas Green Clemson's statue both represent the light that Clemson is shining into the dark world.
At the same time, on a more literal level, it represented how southerners hide inside when it's frozen around them. As I snapped the picture, I realized that I have never seen campus more empty at 7:30 at night.
I think that the ice has renewed the Clemson spirit of unity throughout campus, and especially off campus, through the power outages.

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